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Language Creation Conference 2:
Official Registration
(see LCC1 at

Some basic information (will be kept private)*

The conference fee is $35 (though donations above that are gladly accepted and tax-deductible). Please send a check payable to ASUC / Language Creation Society, and indicating for whom you are buying tickets, to:

Language Creation Society
c/o Alex Fink
2100 Channing Way #328
Berkeley, CA 94704-2055

The conference is Sat-Sun, July 7-8, 9a-5p. Friday July 6th will have a guided tour of UCB & surrounding areas and informal dinner social, starting at 1:30 pm.

You CAN attend both this and the LSA Institute 2007; email David Peterson at for details. The only thing you will miss is Antilla's phonology workshop; you can be back in time for the Labov lecture.

Location (state / country)

Your profile for the program

Given to all attendees & published online, spambot-protected.

You are encouraged to also email us 1-2 pages (grayscale, PG-rated, and commercial free please) of anything interesting for inclusion in the program (e.g. an essay, poetry, art, sample of your conlanging, puzzles, etc); send them in any common format to

Affiliations / Degrees
Conlangs of interest / created
Aspect(s) of language / conlanging interested in
Talk to me about:

Will you be staying at official conference housing (Stern Hall)?

$57 per day single or double, or $342 per week.

You must *register yourself separately*, pay them directly on arrival and make sure to mention the LCC in the registration form.


Are you interested in ride-sharing?

(If coming from CA...)

Do you want to participate in the LCC Conlang Relay?

Don't know what a relay is? See

To participate or for more details, email David J. Peterson <>.

Rate the first LCC

If you were there or saw it on video...

Quality of talks
Variety of talks
Quality of video recording
Quality / availability of schwag (eg tshirts)
Quality of website (

Rate how important these are for future LCCs

Please mention anything not covered in comments below.

Cognitive linguistics talks
Historical / diachronic talks
Create a conlang right now workshop
Sociological talks
West Coast USA location
East Coast USA location
West Europe location
Structured audience disucssions
Unstructured socialization time
Discussion panels
Esperanto talk
Quenya talk
Klingon talk
Talks on other specific conlangs
Attendee-submitted pages in program
Other workshops & audience participation
Mini-talks (5-15 minute short presentations)

Any other comments?

E.g. talks you'd like to see, things you want changed, offers to contribute/volunteer, any special accomodations you need, etc.

If you want to get in free, please say so here and briefly tell us why.

How did you first hear about the LCC or LCS?

Are you interested in giving a talk, guiding discussion, etc?

This includes mini-talks (5-15 minutes) as well as full (30-50 minute) ones; workshops; guided discussions; or anything else you can do to contribute to the program.

Talks by video (recorded or live) ARE possible, so please don't say no just because you can't attend in person.

Subject / tentative title of talk
Approx length (minutes)
Format (lecture, discussion, workshop, poster, video recording, live videoconference, etc)

Talk: Abstract

Approx 1-2 paragraphs outlining what you will talk about / cover & how. (See for examples.)

Talk: Bio

A one-paragraph, third-person bio as you would want it printed in the program. (See for examples.)